Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Raw Thoughts

Peeling those lashy lids open,
Smelling the sweet scent of your pillow,
And inhaling your first few, conscious breaths of your day.
Stretching your sleepy limbs overhead and embracing the gift of life,
You begin to notice your thoughts. 
Where do they lead you? Negativity? Positivity?
Each thought that passes through your mind alters your personality.
Alters who you will be, and who you want to be that day.

The mind is lovely and it has so much control over our body. Life is chaotic, especially today. Between work, play, family, friends, working out, it is extremely difficult to hold some type of balance. 
We all fall victim to balance some way or another. I myself am guilty of an unbalanced life, but all can take the time to change that.
Maybe if we cleared our thoughts for just ten minutes, the mind would simply open. Imagine the possibilities. Meditate. Envision a bright future. Rid your mind of all things that do not benefit you and surround yourself with love and optimism. 
Let your breaths soften, and let the mind wander and dance in creativity. 
Love the medulla oblongata. 
It is not our body that determines who we are, it is the mind.

The food we consume can also help better our focus and clear thinking. The food I choose to eat promotes that. Juicing is a big part of my diet. I strongly believe that vegetables and fruits, and all the plentiful foods from mother earth can cure any sickness or disease. 
Don't believe me? I don't blame you, but check out some documentaries on juicing, your opinion will surely change.
Like Hippocrates said, "Let food be thy medicine."

My all time favorite juice: 2 carrots, 1 cucumber, 3 granny smith apples, 2 oranges, 2 handfuls of kale and cilantro, 1/2 of lemon, and a slice of ginger (perferably all organic).
I try to drink two 32oz. juices a day along with one smoothie.  
When you feed your body these natural foods, your whole mental and physical being will change for the better. 

You are beautiful. 
Your body is beautiful, and deserves to be fed only the most natural, exquisite foods.